After three intense weeks, the competition is over and the results are in. Langley Elementary school is our winner with a 30 percent reduction in electricity consumption. That’s a massive reduction!
Powell Elementary School finished in 2nd place (18 percent reduction) and Anne Beers Elementary locked up the 3rd place position (12.5 percent reduction). Anacostia was the top performing high school and the only high school to surpass the elusive 10 percent reduction threshold.
Overall, 24 of the 28 participating schools succeeded in reducing their electricity consumption. Their efforts saved over 76,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity—enough to power seven American households for nearly an entire year.
Leaderboard & 'Baseline' Details
We’ve worked hard to ensure each school's baseline for the Sprint to Savings are as fair and accurate as possible -- normalizing for weather, occupied vs unoccupied, etc. Click here to learn more about how each school's baseline was created.
The Sprint to Savings makes energy conservation fun. Yes, fun! Plus, it reduces electricity costs and engages students in real-world learning activities.
The premise is simple: Schools compete against one another to reduce electricity consumption over a three-week period (compared to each school's baseline). Schools will have their own online building dashboards (coming Wednesday Feb 12!) that will show daily electricity consumption in 15-minute intervals, energy costs, and a real time District-wide leaderboard. All DCPS schools were eligible to participate.
If pride, costs savings, environmental benefits and educational opportunities aren’t enough, we added a few other incentives. Schools that do well will win real rewards from t-shirts to solar energy systems to money schools. How low can your school go?
How It Works
[Note: Registration is now closed.]
Step 1: Green Teams gather information and get going. With a team leader identified, it’s time to form the “Green Team,” if one doesn’t exist already. The team will be responsible for identifying and implementing energy saving efforts, coming up with posters and slogans to encourage their fellow students to join the campaign and supporting other creative energy saving strategies. Click here for some tips on creating a successful green team and having a successful strategy.
Step 2: Save. Save. Save. Up to 30 percent of energy used in schools is wasted. Turn the lights off at night. Dial the heating back when the building is empty. Shut down computers and monitors when not in use. It’s up to you to make a difference!